Healthy white teeth not only express great health and well-being, they also promote it. A good regime of oral hygiene helps you to avoid:
- Oral health problems such as gum disease, abscesses, jaw pain, bad breath and
- Medical ailments like headaches, diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks
Clean teeth are really worth the effort. Hence, Dr. Chua and the team at Silver Smile Dental make every effort to help you maintain a beautiful, clean and healthy smile.
Teeth Cleaning from Chino Dental Professionals
We recommend that you visit our office at least twice a year for a professional dental cleaning and examination. We design our cleaning sessions to accomplish two things:
- To remove plaque and tartar that escapes normal brushing, flossing, and mouthwashes.
- To show you areas that may need more attention during your home hygiene regimen.
At Silver Smile Dental, you will always get a thorough dental cleaning and examination. Our staff is thoroughly trained in effective cleaning methods for ages 6-months and older. Have you ever had questions before, during, or after your dental visit? Feel free to ask! We want you to have a complete understanding of everything we do.
Understanding Deep Cleaning Treatments
There are marked differences between deep cleaning (or root planning) and normal dental cleaning (or scaling) because dentists do both at the same time. Nevertheless, it is important that you understand what each cleaning is accomplishing.
Both scaling and root planning prevents the onset of gum disease. Over time, bacteria forms on the teeth as a sticky film that hardens to become plaque. If this plaque is not removed, your gums will become inflamed and creating large gaps around your teeth. These gaps will continue to collect plague that will harden into calculus or tartar, which creates a variety of oral problems.
Scaling rids teeth of plaque buildup missed by regular brushing at and slightly below the gum line. On the other hand, root planning clears irregularities from the surfaces of the tooth roots. This procedure helps gums that have gaps around teeth to reattach healthily.
The length of the cleaning appointment varies due to the oral health of the patient. If there are extensive signs of gum disease, it may be best to break up the cleanings into sessions. This will enable the patient to have the most comfortable cleaning possible and create the least amount of irritation to the mouth afterwards. During your cleaning, we may opt to use antibiotics and rinses that destroy bacteria residing in periodontal pockets. In any case, rest assured that we’ll brighten your smile and improve its health.